
    Allystar’s High Precision GNSS Modules for Meteorological Sounding

    Author: Allystar
    Released at: 2022-12-22 10:33
    Readings: 178

    The new meteorological sondes based on Allystar’s high precision positioning modules have been developed and applied on a wide scale in China, which not only has filled the gap of meteorological sounding in China, but is expected to access market overseas.

    In recent ten years, the major players in global satellite navigation sondes market includes Vaisala in Finland, Graw in German, Modem in France, and Meisei in Japan. They haven’t adopted China's GNSS solutions to develop the sonde in a large scale yet.

    With a horizontal positioning accuracy of 0.8m and a vertical accuracy of 1.3m, the relevant performances of Allystar’s module used specially for meteorological sonde are equal to or partially superior to those of the international mainstream products. Allystar’s product supports GPS, BDS, Galileo, and GLONASS, enabling up to 48 acquisition or tracking channels, and external ephemeris import, to realize fast positioning, and achieve secondary development, data compression and encryption, etc.

    The observation data quality control algorithm integrated in Allystar’s module that is dedicated to meteorological sonde solved the bottleneck of uploading all the “air data” such as the original satellite navigation data, Level 0 raw data, and the problem of lacking data quality control capability.

    Allystar has optimized its design and algorithm after the meteorological sonde based on Allysatr’s module finished its two-year application test in the network test of round-trip flat drift sounding systems in Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Anhui province. The module is now being applied to China’s broad meteorological sondes market in force.

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